Housing co‑operatives provide at cost housing for its members.
The members do not own equity in their housing. If they move, their home is returned to the co‑op, to be offered to another individual or family who needs an affordable home. Some co‑op households pay a reduced monthly rent (housing charge) geared to their income. Government funds cover the difference between this payment and the co‑op’s full charge. Other households pay the full monthly charge based on cost. Because co‑ops charge their members only enough to cover costs, repairs, and reserves, they can offer housing that is much more affordable than average private sector rental costs. Co‑op housing also offers security. Co‑ops are controlled by their members who have a vote in decisions about their housing. There is no outside landlord. Each housing co‑operative is a legal association, incorporated as a co‑operative. Canada’s housing co‑ops are guided by international co‑operative principles, adapted for housing co‑op. If you live in a non-profit housing co‑op you are:
Information provided by chfcanada.coop/ |
Winkleigh Co-op is a proud member of the Golden Horseshoe Federation and the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada.
Click on the images below for more information. |
Managed by The Community Housing Management Network